MAXHUBShare Privacy Policy (Mobile Phone Version)

Personal information provided to us via your usage of the MAXHUBShare (“Software”) is protected by applicable laws. The personal information you assented to provide is used by the data controller, Guangzhou Shizhen Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shizhen" or "We"), domiciled in 5th Floor, No. 192, Kezhu Road, Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone for the sake of providing quality screen sharing services. In this regard, we develop this Privacy Policy to explain how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your Personal Data when you use our Software. Before using our products (or services) and submitting your Personal Data, please read the Privacy Policy carefully to understand our approach to customer privacy.

This Policy will help you understand the followings:

  1. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data
  2. How We Store Your Personal Data
  3. How We Disclose Your Personal Data
  4. How We Protect Your Personal Data
  5. Your Rights
  6. How We Process Children’s Personal Data
  7. How Your Personal Data Transferred Globally


  1. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

When you use the MAXHUBShare, we will collect the following personal information for purpose of providing you with quality screen sharing services:

  1. Information uploaded in the course of using the service: files, photos, videos, etc., uploaded to the corresponding Flat Panel (“IFP”) when you use the MAXHUBSharefor screen casting.
  2. Operational information: We will collect the operational information generated in the course of using the Software, including the frequency of using each function and click order, in order to analyze user habits, and then to optimize the product functionality, so as to provide you with more comfortable services.
  3. Device information: In order to distinguish among different users, we will collect your device recognition code for anti-fraud and anti-cheating purposes.
  4. Location information: In order to access and display the name of your current connected Wi-Fi, and help you determine whether your device is connected to the same Wi-Fi with the IFP, we will collect your accurate location information.

When you use the Software, in order to realize the screen sharing function and provide you with better service, we will request some of your device’s permissions. You can set it up or turn it off in your device settings to adjust our access to your device. Denying requests to relevant access may render some functions of the Software unusable.

  1. Camera permission: when you choose to scan the QR code in the MAXHUBShareto realize screen sharing function, we will request your camera usage permission.
  2. Location permission: in order to access and display the name of your current connected Wi-Fi, we will request permission to your location information.
  3. Check WLAN connection: in order to access and have knowledge of your network connection status when you use the Software, and to provide a smooth service, we will check your WLAN connection.
  4. Read or write to the external storage card: we may read or write to the external storage card to share or drop content in the external storage card, or to store files or screenshots shared by other devices.
  5. Detect other running apps: In order to detect whether SSP apps are running normally, we will detect your current running apps.
  6. App usage data statistics: in order to analyze your preferences and provide you with a better user experience, we will acquire your app usage data statistics permissions when you use the Software.

Providing personal information and authorization to use shall be completely voluntary and we will not process your personal information in any manner or share it with any third party without your consent, or in the absence of any other legal basis.


  1. How We Store Your Personal Data

We use cloud to store your Personal data. The retention period for Personal Data is the minimum time necessary to achieve the collection purposes, except the law requires a longer period. We will delete or anonymize Personal Data beyond the above retention period.


III. How We Disclose Your Personal Data

  1. We may share some of your Personal Data with Affiliated Companies and authorized partners who cooperate with us providing products and services. We will not share your Personal Data with Third parties for their own marketing or commercial purposes.

We will only share your Personal Data for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and only Personal Data necessary for service provision will be shared. Our partners are not allowed to use the shared Personal Data for any other purposes.

  1. We will only publicly disclose your Personal Data if it is mandatorily required by laws, in compliance with subpoena, legal proceedings, legal actions or compulsory request by supervisory department of government agencies. If we sincerely believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, ensure your or others’ safety, investigate fraud or respond to government, we may publicly disclose your Personal Data.


  1. How We Protect Your Personal Data
  2. We have taken reasonably feasible and technical measures to protect collected service-related data. However, please be attention, even if we undertake reasonable measures to protect your data, there is no website, internet transmission, computer system or wireless connection that are definitely safe.
  3. We have taken safeguarding measures in accordance with industry standards to protect the Personal Data you provided and prevent data from unauthorized access, public disclose, use, modification, damage or loss. We take all reasonably practical measures to protect your Personal Data.  In particular:
  1. In case of Personal Data security incident, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, we will promptly inform you the basic situations and possible influence of the security incident, response measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you regarding self-prevention and risk reduction, remedial measures for you, etc. We will inform you in a timely manner by email, mail, telephone, push notification, etc., regarding the relevant situations of the incident. When it is difficult to notify each Personal Data subject individually, we will issue a notice in a reasonable and effective manner. In the meantime, we will take the initiative to report on the handling of Personal Data security incident in accordance with regulatory department’s requirements.


  1. Your Rights

We respect your rights to Personal Data. Below is a list of your legal rights and the way we protect them.  Please note, in case of safety, we may ask to verify your identity before processing your request.

  1. Right to Know: We publishes this Privacy Policy to inform you of how we handle your Personal Data. We are committed to the transparency of the use of your information.
  2. Access Right:If you are to exercise your access right, you can send an email to [ ] to visit data including your product series number, model, stored conference information, etc.
  3. Right of Rectification:If you find there is a mistake with your Personal Data we process, you are entitled to ask us to make rectifications. You can ask us to correct your Personal Data by sending an email to [ ]. When confirmed, we will rectify accordingly.
  4. Right to Delete: If we do not have legal reasons to continue the possession and processing your information, you can request us to delete your Personal Data by sending an email to [ ].
  5. Right to Restrict Processing: You are entitled to request Shikunto restrict processing of your Personal Data. This means we can store your Personal Data but cannot process it. We only retain data needed for future response. You can send an email to [ ] to achieve your right to restrict processing.
  6. Right of Data Portability:Within scope permitted laws and regulations, you are entitled to obtain your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, and machine readable format. For instance, if you decide to change the service provider, this right enables you to reliably and safely move, copy or easily transfer your Personal Data between IT systems without affecting its use. After your formal authorization, you can exercise your right of data portability by sending an email to the following address: [ ].
  7. Right of Refusal:Even if the processing of your data is based on our legitimate interest, exercise of public right, direct marketing (including data aggregation) and statistics, you have right to refuse our process to your Personal Data by sending an email to the following address: [ ].
  8. Right to Withdraw Consent: If you agrees to our processing of your Personal Data but later changes mind, you can withdraw your consent at any time and we must stop processing. You can withdraw consent by sending email to the following address: [ ].
  9. Right to Refuse Automated Decision: You have rights not to be bound by automatic decisions, including user profiling. If these decisions will significantly affect your legitimate rights, you can send an email to [ ] to refuse automated decisions. We will respond to your request and take appropriate measures when necessary.
  10. Right to Complaint: You are entitled to file a complaint with the data protection authority of your country about our processing of your Personal Data.

We will respond and reply to you as soon as possible. Generally, we will reply to you within one month upon receipt of your request (If necessary, we may extend it by an additional two months as permitted by law. We will inform you the reason for the extension within the aforementioned 30-day period, such as the request is too complicated or too much in volume). If you are not satisfied with the response you received, you can refer the complaint to the relevant regulatory authority in your jurisdiction.


  1. How We Process Children’s Personal Data
  2. Our Software and services are mainly adult-oriented. A child should not create his/her own user account. We treat anyone under 16 years old (or equivalent minimum age in relevant jurisdiction) as a child.
  3. When we find that a child’s Personal Data is collected, we will endeavor to delete relevant data as soon as possible.


VII. How Your Personal Data Transferred Globally

  1. As a company headquartered in China and based on global operations, we will provide products or services through resources and servers all over the world, which means after obtaining your authorization and consent, your Personal Data may be transferred to or accessed from the overseas jurisdictions of the countries where you use the products or services.The types of data that may need to be transmitted  across border include the data listed in the section "How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data ".
  2. In order to analyze the performance of the products and services and improve functionality, the Personal Data collected and generated during the global use of products may be transmitted to China and stored in a third-party cloud server in China. We will take corresponding protective measures according to the requirements of applicable laws to ensure data security.
  3. If Personal Data collected and generated in the European Economic Area is transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area, we will ensure that proper protective measures are taken to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). For example:

For lack of appropriate protection measures, we will request your express consent on cross-border data transfer and take safety measures to encrypt or de-identify to ensure your Personal Data safety.

For more information on protection measures on Personal Data in scenario of cross border data transfer, please contact us via email: [ ].


If you have any concerns or doubt over our Privacy Policy or our practices, please contact us via following channels:

Address: 5th Floor, No. 192, Kezhu Road, Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

E-mail: [ ]